Welcome to the Little Town of Bethlehem!

Before the baby Jesus was born, this town, along with the entire land of Israel, had been conquered by the Romans. The people certainly were not happy to have a foreign army in their land ruling over them and collecting taxes to send to Rome. They longed for the day when the promised messiah would come and save them.

As you enter the town, you will need to pay a tax to the Roman tax collectors. Those guys never stop! Don’t worry—we’ll give you a coin to keep them off your back.

Your guide will lead your group to several places of interest. You will see carpenters, tentmakers, potters, basket weavers, bakers, and more. You will listen as people struggle to make sense of centuries-old promises and prophesies about a messiah who they hoped would bring peace and stability to their lives.

How could they have known that on this night, the messiah they had been longing for was entering their world just down the street from them? How could they have known that the child born in their town that night would bring peace to the lives of people even today?

A Walk Through Bethlehem is provided free of charge by Helen First Baptist Church. We hope you will let your guide know if you want to learn more about how Jesus is still bringing peace to lives today.

Feel free to click the buttons below if you would like to contact us or if you would like us to pray for you. We welcome your feedback about how we can make this experience even better.

We would love for you to join us for our Christmas Eve services on Tuesday, December 24 at 5:00 pm (candlelight service). Casual dress is perfectly fine with us!

Thank you so much for participating in A Walk Through Bethlehem! May God bless you in wonderful ways during this Christmas season!